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Angela Stewart

Angela Stewart

Angela Stewart has been a hair and makeup artist for 24 years working across film, theatre and the creative arts.

As a person with Afro hair she has encountered various stages of Afro hair styling and had accepted that Afro hair (all types) were ‘special’ and ‘difficult’ to master. Growing up she didn’t question the lack of salons for natural Afro hair; but simply accepted that there were those who knew how to care for the type and those who didn’t. Unfortunately, this also meant that many who catered for afro hair caused significant pain.

Pain was a way of life.

Because she refused to accept the pain, she learnt how to care for afro hair in a pain free manner.  This led her to become an expert not just for her own hair but to become an afro hair stylist to help others.  There are small pockets of individuals doing their best to enlighten others, however there is still no official school that promotes a simple, effective and uncomplicated method of caring for the naturally textured curl.  

Angela realised that she had the opportunity to share her knowledge and contribute to changing the landscape for the inclusion and proper consideration of Afro/Textured hair in the professional world while addressing the importance of representation, and now specialises in both working in and sharing knowledge with those working in the creative industries.

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